Don't Stop Believin'

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome Jack!

Today I went home and picked up a puppy from the Humane Society in Fairfax. After discussing it with Ryan he thought it would be an ok idea to test out a puppy, foster to adopt. Basically what happens is that we keep the puppy for two weeks to see how it goes and if it works, we adopt Jack. Everybody surely knows that once I get one I will not be able to return him. He is a cute black lab/new foundland mix. He is very, very well-behaved. I hope Ryan falls in love with him because I already have. The car ride from Fairfax to Northfield was a little rough. When he first got into the car it was great and then about 10 miles outside of Fairfax he decides he needs to be right on top of me. Snuggling his way into the front seat and plopped down right on top of my lab! This wasn't going to work so I tried to push him into the back, but that didn't work. While on my lap he decides that I don't need to see so he starts rubbing his head on my cheek to get my attention. Oh puppies! I had to pull over and lift him in the back seat. To top it all off I couldn't close my truck because we had a super-sized kennel sticking out of the back end. What a trip, but Jack and I made it. Ryan I am sure is going to fall in love with him! (He called me at work when he got home today, asking me what he should do. Yes he is a dog virgin.) Welcome to our home Jack!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Say Cheese

Ryan is in Milwaukee with some high school friends this weekend going to the Twins vs. Brewers games all weekend. So since I am a bachelorette all weekend, I decided to start the weekend off with a bang and travel up to see my cousins and godson in Brooklyn Park. It was fabulous! I took Gavin to the park, on a walk, and tried to teach him how to bike. He doesn't quite understand that you have to move your feet forward and not backwards. He is starting to talk and in the fun, fun stage where their personality starts to develop. He can say the important boy words like, mama, dada, ball, face words, wee-wee (aka slide), count to 2, yes, and no. I have never seen a child smile so much. "CHEESE!" Gavin says.
Another cheesy smile...
Nonetheless it was a great afternoon. After going to park, he took a long nap while Stacy and I gossiped until Andrew got home from work. It was good to see them all and spend time with Andrew and Stacy. I would say the best thing that came out of the day is that they are going to become new homeowners, which means they will be closer to Ryan and I!!!!!!!!!!!! We are super pumped!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TV and Birds

Since the last post our lives have been semi uneventful. We have a new TV downstairs. Ryan's co-worker purchased a new TV and he was looking to get rid of it. Who better to take it then a couple that is still in the collecting stage! Ryan and Emily! We now have a flat screen Sony 42 inch TV in our basement. It is fantabulous! I have been spending the nights in the basement, which is very unusual for us.
We also had a visitor a couple days ago in our garage. I was getting ready to go to work when I went outside to run an errand quick. I heard this flapping noise and immediately thought there was a bat in the garage. If you were an onlooker I would look like I was re-enacting an Indiana Jones movie, dodging huge falling rocks. After collecting myself I looked up to find out it was only a bird. I then noticed that it had already managed to poop on my car. That made me tick, so I got a huge shovel and tried to swat the bird out of the garage. That didn't happen. I decided Ryan might know the answer. I marched into the building where his office was, but before going in I stopped and saw he was in a meeting, refraining myself from going in. I was livid, but come on what was Ryan going to do. By the time I got home the bird was gone. Lesson learned, don't leave the garage door open too long.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I know everybody says this, but my dad is really the greatest dad. I am not lying! My dad has loved me through thick and thin. I know the blog is supposed to be about Ryan and I's adventure in life, but today is a special day. I want to write about my dad because without him I wouldn't have met the man of my dreams. I could write an autobiography about my relationship with my father, but I will save you all from reading millions and millions of pages and cover just some of the memories I have with my dad. I remember when I was little kid and dad would always watch weird TV shows/movies like Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and other crazy scifi, action-packed movies. My brothers would go crazy and ask dad to watch more and more. I hate to admit it, but I got into them myself at one time. I also remember playing outside while my dad would listen to Meatloaf, James Taylor, or Jimmy Buffett building a deck. Occasionally I would hear him blurt out some very off key lyrics, but nonetheless they were always the right words. That was another thing. He could always find the right words. No matter if I was having trouble in school with friends, homework, or basically mad at mom, he had a calming presence. To this day I still call him when I need to talk or advice.
Family trips are/were another time when dad's sense of humor erupts. I remember one time my cousin Kirsten, my uncle Craig, my dad, and I were in the same car traveling to South Dakota, while the rest were dispersed throughout the other vehicles. First you have to understand the relationship between Kirsten and I. Being my bestie, Kirsten and I will laugh for no apparent reason at all. No one understands why and yes we do get funny looks. So as Kirsten and I were laughing, my dad turns around and says do I have something in my nose. We almost went to the bathroom in my uncle's jeep! My dad had two green dots stuck up his nose. There were many other memories I have of my dad on vacation, but I will keep it short. Moving on...
Sports, was another aspect of life that I never have had a chance to thank him enough for. He attended almost every basketball game, volleyball game, and track meet I was in. Besides owning his own firm he was able to make it to all of his kids games. Sometimes there would be times when him and my mom had to split. He would always go to the boys game and mom would come to mine. Not only does he have a sense of humor, he loves watching his kids grow. I know I am skipping many years, but let's move on.
Last August I married my amazing husband! It wouldn't have come together without the love, support, and help from my parents. They basically revamped their backyard so we could have the wedding of our dreams right there. My mom tended to the garden while my dad did more of the bigger projects. I remember there were nights when my dad would come home from work and go in the backyard right away to help my mom. I will never ever thank them enough for the work they did.
The big day came so fast. I can still see my dads ear-to-ear smile on his face. There are some girls that don't get to walk down the aisle with their daughter, but I was the luckiest girl. I couldn't ask for a better person to "give me away."
I don't think I ever heard the music during our father/daughter dance. All I remember was dad and I having another chat. Just like we always did. Him saying the unforgettable words, "I am so proud of you."
Now you can see he is the greatest dad of all! Happy Fathers Day! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Staying young and growing old

I was visiting outside the other day with our neighbor. A mother from a couple doors down, whom I have not met yet, came over to visit as well. We did the usual small talk getting-to-know you introductions. I asked her about how many children she had. She responded, "you must have children as well. I have seen a teenage boy running around." I about died laughing! "Oh you mean a tall blonde boy," I replied. "That is my husband, Ryan." She was mortified, but I couldn't resist the urge to cry. It was hilarious!
This isn't the first time he has had this type of reaction. Many of his clients often question his age. Sometimes I think he wears a tie and suit to work everyday to look that much older. But I love him because he is staying young. As the years pass he never changes. I can't wait for the years to come and watch him stay young and grow old with me.
Here is a movie quote/song that sums up our future:
[Billy Idol (Speaking):] Good afternoon everyone.
We're flying at 26, 000 feet, moving
Up to thirty thousand feet, and then we've got clear skies
All the way to Las Vegas, and right now we're bringing you some in-flight
Entertainment. One of our first-class passengers would like to sing you a song
Inspired by one of our coach passengers, and since we let our first-class
Passengers do pretty much whatever they want, here he is.

[Robbie Hart (Singing):]
I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My new job

I LOVE IT! Recently I started working at the Northfield Hospital and it is awesome! I love the people I work with and the hours I work are spectacular. I work in admissions from 3:30 to 9pm at night Monday thru Thursday and every other weekend. There are so many reasons why I love my job...Because I can
1. Watch daytime TV (including The View, The Talk, News, HGTV, and all the BRAVO television I want!)
2. Catch up on all the celebrity gossip
3. Clean the house and do projects without any distractions
4. Eat lunch and have coffee with friends
5. Buy a dog
6. Cook healthy meals
7. Workout whenever I want and don't have to get up early to fit it in the day
8. Go on walks with friends
9. Shop and spend money while Ryan is working
10. Read books and layout in the sun
11. Spend time with friends during the week I maybe wouldn't have the chance to see
12. Eat lunch with Ryan
13. Take time to look pretty before going to work
14. Spend time with the family I love

Monday, June 6, 2011


Ryan and I attended a high school graduation this last weekend. Logan had his party on Saturday and the ceremony on Sunday. It was very eventful. I saw former teachers, family members, and wonderful friends of the family. It was absolutely wonderful! Logan's menu was cheesy potatoes, wings, and of course monster cookies and special K bars. The food was so unhealthy and delicious I ate constantly that day!
After the party Logan had a gig. And yes that would be a gig for his newly created band. Logan, 3 other boys, and a girl have formed this band. I know Logan's head is going to get bigger by me saying this, but they are pretty good. They have only been together for a couple months, but already know 13 songs. They have some local events already lined up. It is very entertaining to watch them. On Saturday night I had the pleasure to listen to them. They played a variety of popular songs from Journey to "Stacy's Mom." I can't wait to hear more.
Sunday was a more quiet day. I played paparazzi on Sunday following my brother around after the ceremony taking pictures with his friends. Logan also presented the closing comments at graduation. He did an awesome job and received many compliments from teachers, students, and other students' family and friends. All in all it was a great weekend! Logan has accomplished so much and I am a proud sister. He will head to Duluth and start at UMD in the fall going pre-med to eventually be a radiologist. He has alot ahead of him and I can't wait to see what happens! Best of luck Logan!