Don't Stop Believin'

Monday, June 6, 2011


Ryan and I attended a high school graduation this last weekend. Logan had his party on Saturday and the ceremony on Sunday. It was very eventful. I saw former teachers, family members, and wonderful friends of the family. It was absolutely wonderful! Logan's menu was cheesy potatoes, wings, and of course monster cookies and special K bars. The food was so unhealthy and delicious I ate constantly that day!
After the party Logan had a gig. And yes that would be a gig for his newly created band. Logan, 3 other boys, and a girl have formed this band. I know Logan's head is going to get bigger by me saying this, but they are pretty good. They have only been together for a couple months, but already know 13 songs. They have some local events already lined up. It is very entertaining to watch them. On Saturday night I had the pleasure to listen to them. They played a variety of popular songs from Journey to "Stacy's Mom." I can't wait to hear more.
Sunday was a more quiet day. I played paparazzi on Sunday following my brother around after the ceremony taking pictures with his friends. Logan also presented the closing comments at graduation. He did an awesome job and received many compliments from teachers, students, and other students' family and friends. All in all it was a great weekend! Logan has accomplished so much and I am a proud sister. He will head to Duluth and start at UMD in the fall going pre-med to eventually be a radiologist. He has alot ahead of him and I can't wait to see what happens! Best of luck Logan!

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