Don't Stop Believin'

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Say Cheese

Ryan is in Milwaukee with some high school friends this weekend going to the Twins vs. Brewers games all weekend. So since I am a bachelorette all weekend, I decided to start the weekend off with a bang and travel up to see my cousins and godson in Brooklyn Park. It was fabulous! I took Gavin to the park, on a walk, and tried to teach him how to bike. He doesn't quite understand that you have to move your feet forward and not backwards. He is starting to talk and in the fun, fun stage where their personality starts to develop. He can say the important boy words like, mama, dada, ball, face words, wee-wee (aka slide), count to 2, yes, and no. I have never seen a child smile so much. "CHEESE!" Gavin says.
Another cheesy smile...
Nonetheless it was a great afternoon. After going to park, he took a long nap while Stacy and I gossiped until Andrew got home from work. It was good to see them all and spend time with Andrew and Stacy. I would say the best thing that came out of the day is that they are going to become new homeowners, which means they will be closer to Ryan and I!!!!!!!!!!!! We are super pumped!

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