Don't Stop Believin'

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TV and Birds

Since the last post our lives have been semi uneventful. We have a new TV downstairs. Ryan's co-worker purchased a new TV and he was looking to get rid of it. Who better to take it then a couple that is still in the collecting stage! Ryan and Emily! We now have a flat screen Sony 42 inch TV in our basement. It is fantabulous! I have been spending the nights in the basement, which is very unusual for us.
We also had a visitor a couple days ago in our garage. I was getting ready to go to work when I went outside to run an errand quick. I heard this flapping noise and immediately thought there was a bat in the garage. If you were an onlooker I would look like I was re-enacting an Indiana Jones movie, dodging huge falling rocks. After collecting myself I looked up to find out it was only a bird. I then noticed that it had already managed to poop on my car. That made me tick, so I got a huge shovel and tried to swat the bird out of the garage. That didn't happen. I decided Ryan might know the answer. I marched into the building where his office was, but before going in I stopped and saw he was in a meeting, refraining myself from going in. I was livid, but come on what was Ryan going to do. By the time I got home the bird was gone. Lesson learned, don't leave the garage door open too long.

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