Don't Stop Believin'

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My new job

I LOVE IT! Recently I started working at the Northfield Hospital and it is awesome! I love the people I work with and the hours I work are spectacular. I work in admissions from 3:30 to 9pm at night Monday thru Thursday and every other weekend. There are so many reasons why I love my job...Because I can
1. Watch daytime TV (including The View, The Talk, News, HGTV, and all the BRAVO television I want!)
2. Catch up on all the celebrity gossip
3. Clean the house and do projects without any distractions
4. Eat lunch and have coffee with friends
5. Buy a dog
6. Cook healthy meals
7. Workout whenever I want and don't have to get up early to fit it in the day
8. Go on walks with friends
9. Shop and spend money while Ryan is working
10. Read books and layout in the sun
11. Spend time with friends during the week I maybe wouldn't have the chance to see
12. Eat lunch with Ryan
13. Take time to look pretty before going to work
14. Spend time with the family I love

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