Don't Stop Believin'

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I know everybody says this, but my dad is really the greatest dad. I am not lying! My dad has loved me through thick and thin. I know the blog is supposed to be about Ryan and I's adventure in life, but today is a special day. I want to write about my dad because without him I wouldn't have met the man of my dreams. I could write an autobiography about my relationship with my father, but I will save you all from reading millions and millions of pages and cover just some of the memories I have with my dad. I remember when I was little kid and dad would always watch weird TV shows/movies like Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and other crazy scifi, action-packed movies. My brothers would go crazy and ask dad to watch more and more. I hate to admit it, but I got into them myself at one time. I also remember playing outside while my dad would listen to Meatloaf, James Taylor, or Jimmy Buffett building a deck. Occasionally I would hear him blurt out some very off key lyrics, but nonetheless they were always the right words. That was another thing. He could always find the right words. No matter if I was having trouble in school with friends, homework, or basically mad at mom, he had a calming presence. To this day I still call him when I need to talk or advice.
Family trips are/were another time when dad's sense of humor erupts. I remember one time my cousin Kirsten, my uncle Craig, my dad, and I were in the same car traveling to South Dakota, while the rest were dispersed throughout the other vehicles. First you have to understand the relationship between Kirsten and I. Being my bestie, Kirsten and I will laugh for no apparent reason at all. No one understands why and yes we do get funny looks. So as Kirsten and I were laughing, my dad turns around and says do I have something in my nose. We almost went to the bathroom in my uncle's jeep! My dad had two green dots stuck up his nose. There were many other memories I have of my dad on vacation, but I will keep it short. Moving on...
Sports, was another aspect of life that I never have had a chance to thank him enough for. He attended almost every basketball game, volleyball game, and track meet I was in. Besides owning his own firm he was able to make it to all of his kids games. Sometimes there would be times when him and my mom had to split. He would always go to the boys game and mom would come to mine. Not only does he have a sense of humor, he loves watching his kids grow. I know I am skipping many years, but let's move on.
Last August I married my amazing husband! It wouldn't have come together without the love, support, and help from my parents. They basically revamped their backyard so we could have the wedding of our dreams right there. My mom tended to the garden while my dad did more of the bigger projects. I remember there were nights when my dad would come home from work and go in the backyard right away to help my mom. I will never ever thank them enough for the work they did.
The big day came so fast. I can still see my dads ear-to-ear smile on his face. There are some girls that don't get to walk down the aisle with their daughter, but I was the luckiest girl. I couldn't ask for a better person to "give me away."
I don't think I ever heard the music during our father/daughter dance. All I remember was dad and I having another chat. Just like we always did. Him saying the unforgettable words, "I am so proud of you."
Now you can see he is the greatest dad of all! Happy Fathers Day! :)

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