Don't Stop Believin'

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This past weekend Ryan and I took a road trip to visit my Grandpa Tom and watch the Drake Relays.  For those of you who don't know about the Drake Relays, it is one of the biggest track meets in the US behind Pennsylvania and Kansas.  All types of athletes compete; high school kids, college and university students, and also professionals.  We saw the best high jumper in the world, best pole vaulter in the world, and best shot put thrower in the world compete at Drake University.  Not sure if you would remember Michael Johnson.  He was a famous sprinter in the 90's who won many olympic events.  He has ran in the Drake Relays.  We saw a guy break his 200m record of 20.2.  It was pure awesomeness! 
This is a bad picture taken by Ryan's phone because someone forgot the camera.  A view of the press box. 
Here is a view of the other side of the track. 
Yes I would say the Drake Relays was fun, but best of all I got to see my Grandpa.  Thanks for the good time Grandpa! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rays of Sunshine

"Sunlight is painting." -Nathaniel Hawthorne
Our new passion is painting. We are not talking murals or masterpieces. Just simply adding color to a room there, a room here. Recently we just finished painting our living room a light gold (like the sun, but a little duller). It really brightens up the room. Here are some pictures to give you a preview. But we both know you really have to visit to come see it!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anxiously Waiting

Hello strangers....I am back in blogging mode. I know it has been awhile. I have had alot of heat from my dear friends and some family members. So here it is; back in full force!
From the last time I blogged. Many things have happened.
Christmas...We decided this year we would by each other gifts. I bought Ryan tools (which he loved and wanted). A man's gift, right? I got a VACUUM from him. I like it, however, I wanted something I could use on my hardwood floors and my couch to clean up dog hair. Well...let's just say the detachment on the vacuum is now broke and it weighs a million pounds. It would scratch my hardwood floors. Women, don't you love the way men think?
New Years...Ryan and I had the pleasure of seeing our awesome friends, Steve and Patti, wed on New Years Eve. Ryan was honored to be an usher and I was the wine drinker for the night. Yes you know how that goes. When I see wine...I drink one glass, two glass and before you know it I can't count how many I have had. Needless to say the night went by smoothly.
Winter months....These were filled with home projects. We painted our bedroom, pantry, and our living room. It is amazing how much a coat of paint can spice up the room!
I know what most of you are thinking now...short, boring blog. Don't you worry. There will be more stories on the life of Ryan and Emily later.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Thanksgiving means the start of lots of family time! I LOVE family time! This year for Thanksgiving Ryan and I decided to split up. (I didn't like it much.) I had to work on Thanksgiving and between Ryan's get-togethers that weekend it was too much driving to go from point A to B to C. So I headed up north with my brother and the two dogs, while Ryan basked at home in FX (Fairfax).
Up north I enjoyed Grandma's cooking. Logan drove down from Duluth and my cousins and uncle joined us. On Friday we stuffed our faces and then I enjoyed some playtime with Gavin and Brielle. (Some might say I had something to drink, but there wasn't an ounce of alcohol in my system). I was just having plain, old fun!
On Saturday my brothers, grandma, grandpa and I headed up north in my grandpa's old, old, old bronco (I couldn't even tell you a year, but it was before my parents time I believe...). Logan, who of course sat in the front, decided to bust out the moves to Elvira on the cassette tapes. All that he had in the car was a cassette player. We of course were all dressed in our Sunday best. I just thank the Lord that I didn't know anyone besides my family. We took the dogs with as well. They had to jump over the front and back seat to get to the back end because the door didn't open in back. Finally we arrived and took the dogs on a run through the woods. They ran, while we rode 4-wheelers. That evening after getting all the work done at the cabin I decided to start knitting. She taught me the knit stitch, which wasn't too bad. Then Sam and Logan decided to learn. Before you knew it we were all knitting.
Between the food, family, and knitting it was time well spent! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chicken Dance

In my quest to blog more, I thought I would add a little humor to everybody's day with a great story! While at work reading the newspaper this last weekend I came across the Fleet Farm ad. Of course I found some great deals. I decided to have Ryan pick me up at the hospital and we would run up to Lakeville quick. Let me note the time...3:30 when Ryan arrived at the hospital to pick me up. By 5pm, less than two hours later, we arrived home. Prior to leaving Ryan set out 3 raw chicken breasts to thaw for supper. Little did he know when we got home they were gone. All that was left was the plate sitting nicely on the counter. I asked him where he had left them. He turned white. It turns out we still have my parents dog, Maddie. She doesn't have a chewing problem like Jack does, so we let her roam the house when we are away. Well...SHE ATE 3 RAW PIECES OF CHICKEN. That night I would say she was smirking the entire time at us, while doing the chicken dance!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I know it has been awhile since I have last blogged. I have tried time and time again to think of excuses as to why this has happened, but unfortunately my mind has become a complete blank. The only one I can think of is pure laziness.

September highlight:
Ryan and I experienced our first Jesse James Day experience. Jesse James Day (aka the Northfield town days) is not just a regular celebration. People from all over the US come to Northfield to celebrate the day Jesse James tried to rob First National Bank, but was defeated. You would say Jesse James Days is the state fair of Northfield. Both of our parents and my brother and his girlfriend came down to join in the festivities. My dad and I even ran in the Jesse James 15K. Yes you have that correct if you do the math it is 9.32 miles! It was not the longest, but the most horrible race I have ran. Imagine yourself running on a country road and you see nothing but sun, hills, and corn fields. YET, I will be the crazy one to run it again next year.

October highlights:
October was more eventful for us. October 1st our fabulous friends, Jay and Katie Kasner, got married in the twin cities. They had a beautiful day and was fun to catch up with friends.We also celebrated a special 3rd birthday for my cousin's child, Brielle. It was a day filled with dolls, Tinkerbell, and playtime! My inter-child came out that day when I spent the day outside with my godchild, Gavin.

November has slipped by us. We haven't done much besides work, work, work. Ryan helped his parents on their farm. Getting ready for winter has been a chore for us too because we are homeowners this year.
We have been taking care of my parents dog, Maddie. My parents decided it was a good idea to take a Mediterranean Cruise for a couple of weeks (of course they didn't ask me to join them!). It was a trip "for adults." ;) So since they are sailing the seas this Thanksgiving, my brothers and I will celebrate at Grandma and Grandpa Huxford's this year. I am excited to see my brothers, Logan especially, (I haven't seen him since he left for school in September), and also my uncle and cousins. I hope you all get to share a simular Thanksgiving experience with friends and family!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

We were super busy on Friday night we did the usual sit on the driveway and talk with the neighbors. Saturday we went to the fair and dropped Jack off to play for the day in Elko. Of course we ate more greasy, fatty food than we could handle and headed home for the night. After picking up Jack and playing fetch for an hour, we headed to our monthly annual game night with our friends in Northfield.
I know most of you haven't heard of game night, so I will explain. Basically we get together and play games every month. There are about five or six couples that participate. Each month somebody new hosts. It is always BYOD (bring your own dish). Ryan and I love it! We have made great friends here in Northfield.
On Sunday we had Ryan's family over. It was great to see them! Each family had gone on a trip, so it was fun to hear about all their experiences. In particular Ryan's parents had just flew in from China. How crazy is that! I hope Ryan and I will be flying to China someday. Monday we literally sat outside and relaxed. Tuesday it was back to grind. Here are some photos from the long weekend.
Ryan eating a huge, long beef jerky stick. He better have liked it because like everything else at the fair, it was not cheap.
Ryan eating his walleye fingers. He ended up taking two bites and saying they were gross.
Me eating my walleye cakes, which were very delicious.
Ryan at the fair. Of course you can't tell, but we did pick the hottest day to go with the most people attending.
Ryan's family outside after eating a yummy supper.
Jack waiting patiently for somebody to throw the ball.
Isaac throwing the ball for Jack. Him and Jack made good friends because Isaac could practice throwing, while Jack caught.
Ryan's nephew Andrew and sister-in-law Shelly. Cute picture!
Ryan's brother Todd and his wife Kate. They just returned from North Carolina.
Ryan's niece Hannah, being silly.
Ryan and his favorite nephews!