Don't Stop Believin'

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

We were super busy on Friday night we did the usual sit on the driveway and talk with the neighbors. Saturday we went to the fair and dropped Jack off to play for the day in Elko. Of course we ate more greasy, fatty food than we could handle and headed home for the night. After picking up Jack and playing fetch for an hour, we headed to our monthly annual game night with our friends in Northfield.
I know most of you haven't heard of game night, so I will explain. Basically we get together and play games every month. There are about five or six couples that participate. Each month somebody new hosts. It is always BYOD (bring your own dish). Ryan and I love it! We have made great friends here in Northfield.
On Sunday we had Ryan's family over. It was great to see them! Each family had gone on a trip, so it was fun to hear about all their experiences. In particular Ryan's parents had just flew in from China. How crazy is that! I hope Ryan and I will be flying to China someday. Monday we literally sat outside and relaxed. Tuesday it was back to grind. Here are some photos from the long weekend.
Ryan eating a huge, long beef jerky stick. He better have liked it because like everything else at the fair, it was not cheap.
Ryan eating his walleye fingers. He ended up taking two bites and saying they were gross.
Me eating my walleye cakes, which were very delicious.
Ryan at the fair. Of course you can't tell, but we did pick the hottest day to go with the most people attending.
Ryan's family outside after eating a yummy supper.
Jack waiting patiently for somebody to throw the ball.
Isaac throwing the ball for Jack. Him and Jack made good friends because Isaac could practice throwing, while Jack caught.
Ryan's nephew Andrew and sister-in-law Shelly. Cute picture!
Ryan's brother Todd and his wife Kate. They just returned from North Carolina.
Ryan's niece Hannah, being silly.
Ryan and his favorite nephews!

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