Don't Stop Believin'

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This past weekend Ryan and I took a road trip to visit my Grandpa Tom and watch the Drake Relays.  For those of you who don't know about the Drake Relays, it is one of the biggest track meets in the US behind Pennsylvania and Kansas.  All types of athletes compete; high school kids, college and university students, and also professionals.  We saw the best high jumper in the world, best pole vaulter in the world, and best shot put thrower in the world compete at Drake University.  Not sure if you would remember Michael Johnson.  He was a famous sprinter in the 90's who won many olympic events.  He has ran in the Drake Relays.  We saw a guy break his 200m record of 20.2.  It was pure awesomeness! 
This is a bad picture taken by Ryan's phone because someone forgot the camera.  A view of the press box. 
Here is a view of the other side of the track. 
Yes I would say the Drake Relays was fun, but best of all I got to see my Grandpa.  Thanks for the good time Grandpa! 

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