Don't Stop Believin'

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I know in the past I have talked about our retro room, the green room, some call it the upstairs guest favorite room in the house. I am so pumped because I found material that would be perfect for curtains. It was crazy days in Northfield last weekend and I went crazy when I stepped into a shop downtown that unfortunately just relocated to the twin cities. But it had the cutest, funkiest fabric I have ever seen. I almost bought extra fabric to use for something else because I knew they wouldn't be in town long. But I remembered what my husband would say when I got home..."What is that for?" Then I would have to explain all my creative ideas for the fabric. So here it is!
(I even called Grandma Shirley right away to see if she could sew a hem.)
Here is one end of the curtain rod. I thought the yellow, green and brown would look good with the goldish, brown curtain rod and yellowy shades.
Of course we can't forget the aqua blue vases to make it more 70's-style.
The dresser, vase, and my Grandma Shirley's yellow daisy painting. And yes she did paint that. Pure awesomeness!
Basically I am so ready to put up this fabric and complete one room of the house! I can't wait to find more to decorate the rest of the house...

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