Don't Stop Believin'

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Report Card

On Friday Ryan and I had a day to ourselves. We took the dog to doggy daycare. Yes you read me right. There is a clinic in town that will board dogs for the day. The dogs get to swim in their pool, run through tunnels, play with toys and other dogs. They also receive treats. Basically a Spa for dogs. I picked him up about supper time and received an assessment checklist. As you can see he passed. I also received a report card. Everyday they go in their owners receive a report card. As you can see he did very well. Actually so well he had to make a last impression and pee right in front of the front desk as we were leaving. (How embarrassing!) We were those people and put it on the fridge. The rest of the weekend we hung out in the neighborhood. We love our neighborhood! There are always young ones running around and parents watching them. This is a picture of Jack and our neighbor,Emma.He loves to play fetch!

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