Don't Stop Believin'

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I know I have laxed on my blogging lately, but there hasn't been much action in our household. We have been preparing for our trip to Colorado. We plan to rent a car and eventually meet my family in Breckenridge. It is a very well anticipated trip that we have been talking about for awhile. (I sometimes think Ryan is more ready for a break than I am.) He reminds me everyday how many days are left until we make our trip out to Colorado over our first anniversary!
Besides getting ready for our trip, we have been enjoying the sunny weather and our neighbor's company. We seriously live in the bestest (is that even a word?) neighborhood ever! Our neighbors rock! They are always outside and most have kids, so our front yard is always busy. We love it! Ryan and I have even gotten to the stage where we feel comfortable sitting outside on our driveway in lawn chairs. Just picture an old couple sitting outside watching the traffic, or whatever else they watch. Yes, that is us!
Our dog also blends in well with the kids. He loves to chase them and play fetch. I wish we had one of those pitching machines kids use, but for dogs. He would do it all day long! We both really love having him around. (Besides when he eats my orthodics, our fan cord, or when he whines in the mornings. Those were not good days!) He makes for a good companion when one of us is home, since we work opposite hours.
Ryan is busy at work these days, which makes my life easier. He comes home from work with a more positive attitude. He has been playing softball every now and then, and working on rotary projects. There hasn't been a moment where he hasn't been happy here in Northfield.
Me-I have been working more, picking up more hours here and there. Staying busy during the week with outdoor and indoor projects on the house. Nothing too exciting. Just wanted to give you all an update. :)

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