Don't Stop Believin'

Saturday, July 2, 2011


As the week is coming to an end I can say one thing, I can tell Ryan is starting to get attached to Jack. We are still in the two week trial period...foster to adopt. But let's be realistic, I WILL NOT be able to give him up.
Ryan asked me the other day, "do you think he (referring to the dog) is always this good? Or do you think he is depressed?" I smiled inside and advised he is always like this. Let's face it, Jack is the world's best dog. He is already potty trained at 3 1/2 months old! He doesn't jump and comes when you call his name! Ryan and I hope our children are going to be as well-behaved as Jack.
As for the fourth of July weekend plans...I have to work. Ryan is touring wine country this Saturday. Sunday quality family time (all three of us!). Monday of course we have to hit up the fireworks.


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