Don't Stop Believin'

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Report Card

On Friday Ryan and I had a day to ourselves. We took the dog to doggy daycare. Yes you read me right. There is a clinic in town that will board dogs for the day. The dogs get to swim in their pool, run through tunnels, play with toys and other dogs. They also receive treats. Basically a Spa for dogs. I picked him up about supper time and received an assessment checklist. As you can see he passed. I also received a report card. Everyday they go in their owners receive a report card. As you can see he did very well. Actually so well he had to make a last impression and pee right in front of the front desk as we were leaving. (How embarrassing!) We were those people and put it on the fridge. The rest of the weekend we hung out in the neighborhood. We love our neighborhood! There are always young ones running around and parents watching them. This is a picture of Jack and our neighbor,Emma.He loves to play fetch!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bad, Bad Day

I don't usually complain (Ryan and my parents would say that is a lie). I am a pretty optimistic gal, not a negative nelly. BUT TODAY I had the kind of luck Beckie Jackson has when she gets on an airplane....NOT GOOD!
First of all, I got up to go running and my friends, especially my old roommates (Flash, Brooke, Al, etc.), I am the one to get up in the morning and get my stuff done. This morning I woke up early and went running to beat the heat. Well, that was not the case this morning. IT WAS STEAMING. Plus 3 miles would be a cakewalk for me usually. I had to walk a block or two just to keep from passing out.
Then to top things off all Jack wanted to do was go outside and play fetch. He is awesome at fetch. If there was a contest on Animal Planet, I would enter him in it. He is that good! So we had to take the ball inside and toss it around a bit to keep him occupied. During our time inside I decided to call my mother. In the middle of our conversation Jack starts to pee. Luckily my mom can get past the swearing and recognize my maturity level.
Thirdly at about 12:30pm, as I was just about to make lunch starved, our smoke alarms go off. Our smoke alarms=the most annoying sound in the world. I walked into the hallway by our bedroom and the wall was so wet. The ceiling was steaming above our attic. With the smoke alarms still blurring I rushed to get the battery out and ran to Menards (again another trip to our favorite store) to get a fan. I am so thankful for dads because I called my dad first to see if he had any ideas on how to better the situation. Then with Dennis's help I was able to get the problem resolved. After returning from the store I started the fan and dehumidifier, and wiped down the walls. (Thanks to Dennis's advice!) My heartbeat slowed and I was able to settle down. Talk about freaking out! I was mad, hurried, hungry, and not a happy camper. Just a bad, bad, Beckie Jackson airplane ride I guess. (Sorry Beck, I still love you!)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Paul Bunyan Style

We had a busy, eventful weekend. We volunteered in town for a YMCA kids triathlon event, saw Ryan's nephew, Andrew, play soccer (of which he did awesome!), and did some yard work. When I say some, I am under exaggerating. I mean ALOT! My parents came up on Sunday and we cut down many, many trees. Since I come from a family of experimenters, especially my dad, my brother, Logan, and now my husband, they decided to try ten different ways to pull the trees out of our backyard.
Maneuver #1-chop them down
Maneuver #2-drive the Yukon in the backyard and yank the trees out with a rope attached to the front of the car
Maneuver #3-drive the Yukon in the backyard and yank the trees out using some kind of belt borrowed to us by our neighbor
Maneuver #4-buy a chain from Menards and use the Yukon to pull the trees out
Maneuver #5-tie/twist the trees using the chain to pull the trees out with the Yukon
Maneuver #6-cut down the trees using a sharp sheers and dig the tree stumps out
Basically it took us until maneuver #6 to figure out the only way the tress were coming out of the ground is if we dig them out. The conditions couldn't have been better on a 90 degree to do hard, hard physical labor.
Ryan was are go-to weed whacker. I will not touch that thing because it is as tall as me!
The areas where it is brown are the areas we cut down. You can also see some of the stumps we had to dig out.
More stumps...
All the branches/trees loaded into the trailer to bring to the compost. My dad also decided to get on the brush and pretend he was riding it down the highway. He climbed off before I could take a picture. :(

Saturday, July 2, 2011


As the week is coming to an end I can say one thing, I can tell Ryan is starting to get attached to Jack. We are still in the two week trial period...foster to adopt. But let's be realistic, I WILL NOT be able to give him up.
Ryan asked me the other day, "do you think he (referring to the dog) is always this good? Or do you think he is depressed?" I smiled inside and advised he is always like this. Let's face it, Jack is the world's best dog. He is already potty trained at 3 1/2 months old! He doesn't jump and comes when you call his name! Ryan and I hope our children are going to be as well-behaved as Jack.
As for the fourth of July weekend plans...I have to work. Ryan is touring wine country this Saturday. Sunday quality family time (all three of us!). Monday of course we have to hit up the fireworks.