Don't Stop Believin'

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A place we call home continued...

Now that we have some more time, we will continue our virtual picture tour through our new home. Here are pictures of the upstairs.
You choose to walk up the stairs and you straight ahead. You see our kitchen table. It was Emily's parents old kitchen table. The drapes complementary of all the friends and family giftcards from our wedding.

You look to the left and see our kitchen. There is a huge pantry in the corner. (Love, love, love it)! We have a double sink. You wouldn't think that is a huge deal, but coming from a small garden-level apartment it is! The best part of the kitchen, dining room, living room, and upstairs in general is that it is all open. When we were looking at places to purchase we walked inside this one and saw the high ceilings. Immediately we both feel in love!

This is half of our living room area. The big couch is from our dear friends, the Greenes. The blue rocker is our favorite seat in the house because we have the awesome huge window where we can see our neighbors every move.

Here is the other half of the living room. We have an awesome mission-style entertainment center and an old-school Singer Sewing Machine. It adds an antique touch. Now we will move into the upstairs bedrooms and bathroom.

Bathroom #2: Similar to the downstairs bathroom, our upstairs one is also blue. This one is shared between the both of us. Let's just say some mornings can be pretty hectic with both of us trying to get ready.

Here is the guest bedroom upstairs. Emily's favorite room. She loves the colors and style of furniture in the bedroom. It is known as the retro and/or old-school room.

This is the other side of the retro bedroom. It has a dresser Emily's mother found and a mission style shelf.

Master Bedroom: The colors in the room are bronze, green, and cream. This is a small view and image how big it is! We love the space, especially coming from an apartment. The furniture in this room is Emily's Grandma's.

On the other side of the wall is our dresser and Emily's armour. She is obsessed with it and of course it is fully packed with a necklace for every outfit.

Here are the pain in the butt sheers (as Emily would say). They look awesome hung up, but if you ask Ryan about them he will just roll his eyes and tell you it took forever to get them right.

The best part about the room is the closet. It is huge! Although Ryan can only fit his clothes in the closet, we do share shelving. Emily has to put her clothes in the retro room across the hallway. This is fine for her because she does use the full closet hanging space.

We hope you enjoyed the tour of our new place and will come visit us soon to see the real thing! Any time you are in the area, give us a call! We love to have guests!

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