Don't Stop Believin'

Friday, May 20, 2011

Life is good

The last couple days have been amazing! Warm weather, time spend with two lovely ladies, and spending time every night with my studly husband. What more could a girl want?
I figure I look like a college student, so the last couple days, while Ryan was working very hard, I went to Carlton and laid out with the students. What is better than to catch some sun on my days off! I was worried some would see my left hand, but no one seemed to notice (of course I would worry about little things). I totally blended in! Being on campus brought back some great college memories. Finals, Dew Drop Bop, Plums, St. Mary's dorm room, and not having a care in the world (besides what grade you are going to get on the next Economics exam). Things were so minor, but back then everything was a big deal. I would love to go back to college, but minus the homework portion.
Another thing that has been awesome is spending time with my husband. We have been doing odds and ends around the house. We even whipped out the grill a couple times. (Ryan loves it!) The next big thing we (mostly me more than Ryan) are waiting to install is our shades. They should be here by Monday.

This color will go in the mater bedroom.

This color will go in two of our bedrooms and our office.

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