Don't Stop Believin'

Friday, May 13, 2011

Life's Goodness

It seems as though life changes so fast. From the last time I blogged, I have received a new job, we've moved, and best of all spent Easter with the most amazing family EVER!

JOB: I will now be working at the Northfield Hospital. I am excited to be in town, but sad to leave my awesome co-workers at Everest. Working at Everest taught me that each day/minute can change. I enrolled the best students ever! Sometimes it was a lot of work, but at the end of the day I felt like I had changed a life. It is like racing cars...sometimes you have to stop and switch tires and gears=that is what I did now. I won't forget all the awesomeness at Everest!

MOVE: It went very well thanks to our parents, my brother, and our awesome friend Phil. They all took time out of their Friday to come down and carry the heavy stuff. Lately we have been doing projects around the house. Yesterday Ryan was on his hands and knees cleaning the bathroom drain out. I never thought he would be excited to be Mr. Fix-It. I think we have another Al Borland!

FAMILY: This is the best thing yet! Ryan and I spent Easter up north at my Grandma and Grandpa's. They live on Serpent Lake in Deerwood, MN. It is a smaller lake, but perfect for the water escapades that we do on the lake. I love pictures, so I had to take pictures of the people I love the most!


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