Don't Stop Believin'

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dream House

After a weekend with the girls, I decided I should get on my high horse and blog once again. Alot has happened since last March. A wedding, Ryan passing the state bar exam and finding a job, moving to Northfield, me changing jobs, and the most recent dent in the checkbook, a house. We are super-duper pumped to move in 19 days (not that I am counting).
Now that we are homeowners, we do the usual daily drive-bys. Closing day cannot come soon enough. Usually as we drive by Ryan analyzes the lawn and every other detail about the home, while I envision what the curtains will look like inside. Yes, I have been doing all the womanly thinking...clipping decoration ideas from magazines, visiting stores like Pier One and Pottery Barn, shopping online for window decor, and deciding where all the furniture will be. Ryan of course has little say in decor ideas, but he is the more practical one. He mentions items like a lawn mower, rake, big broom, etc. There is never a day where it is not mentioned in the Blumhoefer family. The H word is all we can talk about these days!
Here is a preview of the house. There will be more to come!

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