Don't Stop Believin'

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rays of Sunshine

"Sunlight is painting." -Nathaniel Hawthorne
Our new passion is painting. We are not talking murals or masterpieces. Just simply adding color to a room there, a room here. Recently we just finished painting our living room a light gold (like the sun, but a little duller). It really brightens up the room. Here are some pictures to give you a preview. But we both know you really have to visit to come see it!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anxiously Waiting

Hello strangers....I am back in blogging mode. I know it has been awhile. I have had alot of heat from my dear friends and some family members. So here it is; back in full force!
From the last time I blogged. Many things have happened.
Christmas...We decided this year we would by each other gifts. I bought Ryan tools (which he loved and wanted). A man's gift, right? I got a VACUUM from him. I like it, however, I wanted something I could use on my hardwood floors and my couch to clean up dog hair. Well...let's just say the detachment on the vacuum is now broke and it weighs a million pounds. It would scratch my hardwood floors. Women, don't you love the way men think?
New Years...Ryan and I had the pleasure of seeing our awesome friends, Steve and Patti, wed on New Years Eve. Ryan was honored to be an usher and I was the wine drinker for the night. Yes you know how that goes. When I see wine...I drink one glass, two glass and before you know it I can't count how many I have had. Needless to say the night went by smoothly.
Winter months....These were filled with home projects. We painted our bedroom, pantry, and our living room. It is amazing how much a coat of paint can spice up the room!
I know what most of you are thinking now...short, boring blog. Don't you worry. There will be more stories on the life of Ryan and Emily later.