Don't Stop Believin'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

I know I have been extraordinarily horrible at this new blogging concept, but I have made a May resolution to keep it up (even though it is halfway through May). This in part thanks to Brooke Dingels for reminding me.
We haven't had too much happen since we started blogging. We cooked our first Easter feast for our parents and have been busy planning an outside August wedding. It seems just like yesterday that Ryan kneeled down on the carpet in our first townhome together and asked the question that every girl dreams of, "will you marry me?". It is of course a day that will be remembered forever.
Today Ryan turned in his last final ever at William Mitchell College of Law. He is now ready to enter the "real world," like the rest of us. He is ready to graduate in two weeks and start working for a law firm. Me on the other hand had another exciting day at work pounding the phones, making deals, and praying for a vacation. Speaking of a vacation, Ryan and I are looking forward to visiting the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon. We will be staying at the Dreams resort in Punta Cana. The pictures and scenery look amazing! The more and more it rains here, the more and more I think of the beach.